Friday, June 10, 2011

Welcome to the Blog!

As you may know, I decided to take a hiatus from the WitchesBrewHaHa podcast until September, but I do want to keep in touch and continue to be involved in the online Pagan community. That being said, this is the solution I've come up with-WitchesBrewHaHa-The Blog! I don't know how frequently I'll be posting, or even what I'll be posting, but my intention is to be much more frequent with blog posts than I have been with the podcast, simply because the time commitment is so reduced. My plan is to include my own thoughts and observations, as well as magickal tips, spells, ritual ideas and whatever else strikes my fancy. I hope you enjoy, and the show will be back in September!

Blessed Be


  1. Enjoy your break, and I look forward to reading the blog!


  2. Oh no! I had just discovered your podcast and love it. I'm sure it's very time consuming and you are taking a much needed break - enjoy your summer, looking forward to Sept!

  3. I hope you enjoy your break! I totally will wait for you! And, it means we all just have to read the blog, right?

  4. I hope you have a terrific summer; I'll be reading your blog.

  5. LOL I sorta knew you would be taking a break from the podcast. Last summer was trying on you as well. Enjoy your summer, stay cool and I can't wait till I can hear your podcast again. I will try to keep up and follow here.

  6. It's great that you're taking care of yourself. Enjoy the summer!

  7. Enjoy your break, sweetie. You totally deserve it (and it gives me a chance to catch up on the episodes). Rock on and carry on!

  8. Considering the number of projects you have taken up, it's no wonder you need a break from podcasting! I will anxiously await your return to the podcasting world and, until then, will read your blog!

  9. Uh huh... Excuses!!

    Sheesh! The weather gets a few degrees warmer and you have to go crawl in your cave and sleep in the dark and cold.

    Seriously, you could move your mic down there with you, ya know!



  10. A little sad to hear that you're taking a break from podcasting but completely understand. I'll be reading the blogs though and look forward to September's podcast.
